Mid-career leaders,
YOUR TIME to shift from

Success to Significance


Let me guess... you’ve scored the paychecks, promotions, and perks? Yet while you’re looking like a rockstar on paper(!), you’re feeling the weight of stress and overwhelm with a career fulfilment tank on E?

tired of chasing unfulfilling roles in your current org?

ready for a move that cries ‘
meaningful work’ to you?

Learn what it takes to consciously say “YES!” to the right “what’s next”.

Exhausted from playing “Best actor” in a leadership drama?

scrap the facade. be the leader you were
meant to be.

Lower stress. Increase energy. Create fulfillment.

Feel like your team is just ho-humming it through the days?

empower them to make the shift along with you!

Reduce team stress and conflict and increase energy and collaboration to get better work done together.

i had a little somethin’ to say about making the shift
in my ted talk: “Don't Like What You Do? Stop Shoulding!”

What are you waiting for?

Feeling like your leadership career has hit a brick wall?
Maybe the work you once found exciting just doesn't fill your soul? You’ve chased the paychecks and promotions and scored the leadership title that looks great on paper, but…

work feels like a slog & you’re swimming upstream every day

You want it to feel better… You want to be more for your teams, your loved ones, yourself… To be a genuine influencer… To make a positive impact... To be the leader others want to follow.

Once you’ve tasted significance,
“success” will never satisfy again.

Entertainer, NYT Best-Selling Author, Businessperson, Philanthropist

  • Enjoying higher levels of satisfaction because they’ve said “No more!” to chasing hollow success

  • Experiencing more fulfillment by working from their strengths, values, and purpose

  • Minimizing conflict by forging more authentic connections

  • Feeling less stressed and overwhelmed because they’re focused on possibilities vs. problems and opportunities vs. obstacles

Clients who’ve made the shift
with my help are now…

  • Focusing on work they love because they’ve fostered a culture of collaboration and trust

  • Eliminating self-doubt, frustration, and insecurity because they treat mistakes as learning opportunities

  • Leading with confidence and authenticity

  • Keeping star employees because they’re showing up as leaders others want to follow

Been there. Done that. Bought the t-shirt.

I’m Coach Meredith Masse, and I have been in similar shoes…chasing paychecks and promotions that I thought would feel important and would make me happy. Only to find that the titles that looked good on paper weren’t always what they were cracked up to be in reality.

In many cases, I showed up, did my best with what I’d gotten myself into. In hindsight, though, I now know: I didn’t know how to align my strengths, my values, my core “being” to my jobs. I lied to myself, “Meh, it’s work. It’s not supposed to be satisfying.”

In the worst cases, I was overwhelmed, anxious, and full of self-doubt. I wrestled with what company leaders insisted was expected versus who I wanted to be and what I knew I could do. Grinding away to meet their goals that rarely matched my idea of meaningful work was EXHAUSTING.

Friends, LIFE IS TOO EFFING SHORT for W.O.R.K. to feel like a 4-letter word.

After more than 15 years of feeling sick to my stomach on Sunday nights, I started to work on making my own shift: from focusing on “hollow” success to designing a career of significance.

I don’t want you to waste one more precious day, week, month, year chasing hollow “success”.

I’m committed to accelerating this shift for mid-career leaders like you so you can make a real, positive difference NOW. It’s time to shift from Success to Significance.

Imagine thrivng vs. simply surviving!

If you’re ready to make conscious decisions and intentional changes
to reach your leadership happy place, I’d love to help get you there.

“Everything will line up perfectly
when knowing and living [your] truth
becomes more important than looking good.”

American author